New York
Sports Club
2015 Brand & Website Redesign
Art DIRECTION ⌁ USER EXPERIENCE + User Interface Design + Photoshoot
New York Sports Clubs, the nationwide gym chain, needed a brand refresh. We revitalized their in-gym look and completely overhauled their website. I was involved in every step of the process, from start to finish.
The Challenge
Breathe new life into New York Sports Clubs — a national gym chain with a rich legacy. The task? Refresh the brand, elevate the in-gym ambiance, and completely overhaul their digital presence, all while preserving their established reputation.
User Experience Design
Leading product design, I steered both the UX and UI stages, collaborating with UX designers and developers to reinvent the NYSC website. We aimed for clarity and utility: helping potential members understand NYSC's offerings and simplifying the process for current members to book classes and access services like training or babysitting.
Brand, Art Direction, Photography and Web Design
Reimagining New York Sports Clubs—a storied brand—required a comprehensive reinvention. It meant blending familiarity with a modern touch both online and within the gym walls. I guided the team in creating design treatments and systems that seamlessly spanned all brand verticals, ensuring members felt the brand's evolution during every workout and visit.
Additionally, I art directed the photoshoot that provided all the assets for this immersive web experience.
Mobile App Design
My role in this portion of the project was to oversee the mobile designer, be a resource and make sure all UX and UI treatments were consistent with the brand at large.
Client: New York Sports Club (TSI)
Agency: Kettle
My Role: Associate Creative Director & Product Design Lead
Team: John Moeller, Creative Director / Sam Hardenburgh, UX / Jesse Yuan, UI